About Planworth In 2 Minutes
Lets get to know about Planworth Global Factoring in just 2 minutes
Reason Why Chose Planworth
We have the expertise, knowledge, financial products, experiences in advising and support your growth
Our Advantages
01. Dependable & Trustworthy
- We are a leading Financial Institution and we are dependable and reliable company trusted by our clients.
02. Solid Financing Background
- We are your strong financing partner and we can power your growth. Our group company owns multimillion USD assets in Malaysia, Singapore, China and Papua New Guinea.
03. Professional & Committed Team
- Our staff are ex-banker, government & GLC officer from MBB, CIMB CGC, OCBC, TERAJU etc.
- We have a team of Commited, Efficient, Professional and Experiences personnel that understand the working of SMEs and SMEs needs.
04. Flexible & ‘Customer First’
- We are flexible in customising our financial solutions to meet our clients’ business objectives.
- Accommodative to client business environment.
- Friendly SME credit scoring.
05. Value Client’s Confidentiality & Privacy
- We ensure our client’s data is well protected.
06. Data Integrity & Accuracy
- We are supported by highly reliable software for data integrity and financial figures accuracy.
One Stop Funding Solution
We provide comprehensive funding solutions to power various stages of your growth.
From Enterprise, Corporate to Public Listed Company.
Interested In Our Service?
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